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Changelog for all sources
Description: List of the most recent channel attribute changes within all regularly uploaded DVB sources. Some lesser important changes are filtered here. Those changes are still visible in the individual changelog of the corresponding DVB source.
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5311=27' to '5301=27'
apid: '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106' to '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106'
tpid: '5314;5315=deu' to '5304;5305=deu'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Sachsen HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10352) have changed:
vpid: '5321=27' to '5331=27'
apid: '5322=deu@3,5323=mis@3,5327=qks@3;5326=deu@106' to '5332=deu@3,5333=mis@3,5337=qks@3;5336=deu@106'
tpid: '5324;5325=deu' to '5334;5335=deu'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Thüringen HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10354) have changed:
vpid: '5341=27' to '5331=27'
apid: '5342=deu@3,5343=mis@3,5347=qks@3;5346=deu@106' to '5332=deu@3,5333=mis@3,5337=qks@3;5336=deu@106'
tpid: '5344;5345=deu' to '5334;5335=deu'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF 2 EUROPE' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13310) have changed:
vpid: '3010=27' to '3100=27'
apid: '0;3011=deu@106' to '0;3101=deu@106'
tpid: '3005' to '3105'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'R9 Oesterreich HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13312) have changed:
provider: 'MIT-xperts GmbH' to 'ORS'
apid: '0' to '3121=deu@3'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called '' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13313) have changed:
provider: 'MIT-xperts GmbH' to ''
apid: '0' to '3131=deu@3'
tpid: '0' to '3135'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'oe24.TV HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13314) have changed:
provider: 'MIT-xperts GmbH' to '-'
apid: '0' to '3141=deu@3'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'Melodie TV NEU' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13317) have changed:
provider: 'MIT-xperts GmbH' to 'MTI'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '601=2' to '501=2'
apid: '602=deu@3,603=mis@3' to '502=deu@3,503=mis@3'
tpid: '604' to '504'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Sachsen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28228) have changed:
vpid: '2801=2' to '2901=2'
apid: '2802=deu@3,2803=mis@3' to '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3'
tpid: '2804;2805=deu' to '2904;2905=deu'
At 2024-09-14 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Thüringen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28230) have changed:
vpid: '3001=2' to '2901=2'
apid: '3002=deu@3,3003=mis@3' to '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3'
tpid: '3004;3005=deu' to '2904;2905=deu'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Sachsen HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10352) have changed:
vpid: '5331=27' to '5321=27'
apid: '5332=deu@3,5333=mis@3,5337=qks@3;5336=deu@106' to '5322=deu@3,5323=mis@3,5327=qks@3;5326=deu@106'
tpid: '5334;5335=deu' to '5324;5325=deu'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Thüringen HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10354) have changed:
vpid: '5331=27' to '5341=27'
apid: '5332=deu@3,5333=mis@3,5337=qks@3;5336=deu@106' to '5342=deu@3,5343=mis@3,5347=qks@3;5346=deu@106'
tpid: '5334;5335=deu' to '5344;5345=deu'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF 2 EUROPE' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13310) have changed:
vpid: '3100=27' to '3010=27'
apid: '0;3101=deu@106' to '0;3011=deu@106'
tpid: '3105' to '3005'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'R9 Oesterreich HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13312) have changed:
provider: 'ORS' to 'MIT-xperts GmbH'
apid: '3121=deu@3' to '0'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called '' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13313) have changed:
provider: '' to 'MIT-xperts GmbH'
apid: '3131=deu@3' to '0'
tpid: '3135' to '0'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'oe24.TV HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13314) have changed:
provider: '-' to 'MIT-xperts GmbH'
apid: '3141=deu@3' to '0'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'Melodie TV NEU' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13317) have changed:
provider: 'MTI' to 'MIT-xperts GmbH'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Sachsen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28228) have changed:
vpid: '2901=2' to '2801=2'
apid: '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3' to '2802=deu@3,2803=mis@3'
tpid: '2904;2905=deu' to '2804;2805=deu'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Thüringen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28230) have changed:
vpid: '2901=2' to '3001=2'
apid: '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3' to '3002=deu@3,3003=mis@3'
tpid: '2904;2905=deu' to '3004;3005=deu'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Bayern' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12006) have changed:
vpid: '200=2' to '163=2'
apid: '201=deu@3' to '104=deu@3'
tpid: '105' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-14 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ALQUILER 1' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1054-30350) have changed:
apid: '112=esl@4,113=ita@4' to '112=esl@4'
tpid: '56' to '0'
At 2024-09-14 18:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Bayern' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12006) have changed:
vpid: '163=2' to '200=2'
apid: '104=deu@3' to '201=deu@3'
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105'
At 2024-09-14 15:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5301=27' to '5311=27'
apid: '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106' to '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106'
tpid: '5304;5305=deu' to '5314;5315=deu'
At 2024-09-14 15:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '501=2' to '601=2'
apid: '502=deu@3,503=mis@3' to '602=deu@3,603=mis@3'
tpid: '504' to '604'
At 2024-09-14 14:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5311=27' to '5301=27'
apid: '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106' to '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106'
tpid: '5314;5315=deu' to '5304;5305=deu'
At 2024-09-14 14:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '601=2' to '501=2'
apid: '602=deu@3,603=mis@3' to '502=deu@3,503=mis@3'
tpid: '604' to '504'
At 2024-09-14 03:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ALQUILER 1' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1054-30350) have changed:
apid: '112=esl@4' to '112=esl@4,113=eng@4'
tpid: '0' to '56'
caid: '0' to '100,1810'
At 2024-09-14 02:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ALQUILER 1' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1054-30350) have changed:
apid: '112=esl@4,113=eng@4' to '112=esl@4'
tpid: '56' to '0'
caid: '100,1810' to '0'
At 2024-09-13 21:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5301=27' to '5311=27'
apid: '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106' to '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106'
tpid: '5304;5305=deu' to '5314;5315=deu'
At 2024-09-13 21:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '501=2' to '601=2'
apid: '502=deu@3,503=mis@3' to '602=deu@3,603=mis@3'
tpid: '504' to '604'
At 2024-09-13 21:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'DAZN 3' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1100-8719) have changed:
New channel added: DAZN 3;CSAT:12402:VC23M5O25P0S1:S19.2E:29700:1910=27:0;1921=fra@106:0:1811,1883,1863:8719:1:1100:0
At 2024-09-13 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5311=27' to '5301=27'
apid: '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106' to '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106'
tpid: '5314;5315=deu' to '5304;5305=deu'
At 2024-09-13 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2T HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13306) have changed:
vpid: '3060=27' to '3000=27'
apid: '0;3061=deu@106' to '0;3001=deu@106,3002=mis@106'
tpid: '3015' to '3005'
At 2024-09-13 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '601=2' to '501=2'
apid: '602=deu@3,603=mis@3' to '502=deu@3,503=mis@3'
tpid: '604' to '504'
At 2024-09-13 20:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2 T' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13008) have changed:
vpid: '560=2' to '500=2'
apid: '561=deu@3' to '501=deu@3,502=mis@3;503=deu@106'
tpid: '515' to '505'
At 2024-09-13 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2T HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13306) have changed:
vpid: '3000=27' to '3060=27'
apid: '0;3001=deu@106,3002=mis@106' to '0;3061=deu@106'
tpid: '3005' to '3015'
At 2024-09-13 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2 T' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13008) have changed:
vpid: '500=2' to '560=2'
apid: '501=deu@3,502=mis@3;503=deu@106' to '561=deu@3'
tpid: '505' to '515'
At 2024-09-13 16:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'EVENEMENT SPORT UHD HDR' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1096-8602) have changed:
tpid: '0;242=fra,243=fra,243=fra' to '0;242=fra,243=fra'
At 2024-09-13 13:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ALQUILER 1' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1054-30350) have changed:
apid: '112=esl@4' to '112=esl@4,113=eng@4'
tpid: '0' to '56'
caid: '0' to '100,1810'
At 2024-09-13 12:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'ALQUILER 1' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1054-30350) have changed:
apid: '112=esl@4,113=eng@4' to '112=esl@4'
tpid: '56' to '0'
caid: '100,1810' to '0'
At 2024-09-13 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5301=27' to '5311=27'
apid: '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106' to '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106'
tpid: '5304;5305=deu' to '5314;5315=deu'
At 2024-09-13 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Television' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12003) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HB NDS' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12005) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Regional NRW' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12004) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Bayern' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12006) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HH SH' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12009) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 08:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '501=2' to '601=2'
apid: '502=deu@3,503=mis@3' to '602=deu@3,603=mis@3'
tpid: '504' to '604'
At 2024-09-13 07:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5311=27' to '5301=27'
apid: '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106' to '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106'
tpid: '5314;5315=deu' to '5304;5305=deu'
At 2024-09-13 07:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '601=2' to '501=2'
apid: '602=deu@3,603=mis@3' to '502=deu@3,503=mis@3'
tpid: '604' to '504'
At 2024-09-13 06:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Television' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12003) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 06:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HB NDS' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12005) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 06:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Regional NRW' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12004) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 06:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Bayern' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12006) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 06:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HH SH' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12009) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 03:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Television' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12003) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 03:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HB NDS' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12005) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 03:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Regional NRW' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12004) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 03:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Bayern' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12006) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 03:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HH SH' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12009) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu,110=deu' to '105;110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 02:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Television' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12003) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 02:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HB NDS' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12005) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 02:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Regional NRW' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12004) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 02:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'RTL Bayern' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12006) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-13 02:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'RTL HH SH' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1089-12009) have changed:
tpid: '105;110=deu' to '105;110=deu,110=deu'
At 2024-09-12 20:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2T HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13306) have changed:
vpid: '3060=27' to '3000=27'
apid: '0;3061=deu@106' to '0;3001=deu@106,3002=mis@106'
tpid: '3015' to '3005'
At 2024-09-12 20:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2V HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13307) have changed:
vpid: '3070=27' to '3000=27'
apid: '0;3071=deu@106' to '0;3001=deu@106,3002=mis@106'
tpid: '3015' to '3005'
At 2024-09-12 20:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Sachsen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28228) have changed:
vpid: '2801=2' to '2901=2'
apid: '2802=deu@3,2803=mis@3' to '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3'
tpid: '2804;2805=deu' to '2904;2905=deu'
At 2024-09-12 20:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Thüringen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28230) have changed:
vpid: '3001=2' to '2901=2'
apid: '3002=deu@3,3003=mis@3' to '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3'
tpid: '3004;3005=deu' to '2904;2905=deu'
At 2024-09-12 20:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'HITRADIO OE3' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13013) have changed:
vpid: '510=2' to '130=27'
apid: '511=deu@3' to '131=deu@3'
tpid: '505' to '0'
At 2024-09-12 20:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'Volksmusik.TV ALT' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13018) have changed:
provider: 'MIT-xperts GmbH' to ''
tpid: '0' to '185'
At 2024-09-12 20:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'ntv Austria_ALT' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13021) have changed:
apid: '0' to '3021=deu@3'
tpid: '0' to '3025'
At 2024-09-12 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2T HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13306) have changed:
vpid: '3000=27' to '3060=27'
apid: '0;3001=deu@106,3002=mis@106' to '0;3061=deu@106'
tpid: '3005' to '3015'
At 2024-09-12 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ORF2V HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1005-13307) have changed:
vpid: '3000=27' to '3070=27'
apid: '0;3001=deu@106,3002=mis@106' to '0;3071=deu@106'
tpid: '3005' to '3015'
At 2024-09-12 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Sachsen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28228) have changed:
vpid: '2901=2' to '2801=2'
apid: '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3' to '2802=deu@3,2803=mis@3'
tpid: '2904;2905=deu' to '2804;2805=deu'
At 2024-09-12 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'MDR Thüringen' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28230) have changed:
vpid: '2901=2' to '3001=2'
apid: '2902=deu@3,2903=mis@3' to '3002=deu@3,3003=mis@3'
tpid: '2904;2905=deu' to '3004;3005=deu'
At 2024-09-12 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'HITRADIO OE3' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13013) have changed:
vpid: '130=27' to '510=2'
apid: '131=deu@3' to '511=deu@3'
tpid: '0' to '505'
At 2024-09-12 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'Volksmusik.TV ALT' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13018) have changed:
provider: '' to 'MIT-xperts GmbH'
tpid: '185' to '0'
At 2024-09-12 19:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'ntv Austria_ALT' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1117-13021) have changed:
apid: '3021=deu@3' to '0'
tpid: '3025' to '0'
At 2024-09-12 16:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5301=27' to '5311=27'
apid: '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106' to '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106'
tpid: '5304;5305=deu' to '5314;5315=deu'
At 2024-09-12 16:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '501=2' to '601=2'
apid: '502=deu@3,503=mis@3' to '602=deu@3,603=mis@3'
tpid: '504' to '604'
At 2024-09-12 15:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5311=27' to '5301=27'
apid: '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106' to '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106'
tpid: '5314;5315=deu' to '5304;5305=deu'
At 2024-09-12 15:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '601=2' to '501=2'
apid: '602=deu@3,603=mis@3' to '502=deu@3,503=mis@3'
tpid: '604' to '504'
At 2024-09-12 13:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'H1Test' (with the unique ID S28.2E-2-2016-9008) have changed:
name: 'H1test' to 'H1Test'
At 2024-09-12 12:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'S4C' (with the unique ID S28.2E-2-2116-52575) have changed:
name: '52575' to 'S4C'
At 2024-09-12 12:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'FRANCE 24 HD' (with the unique ID S28.2E-2-2116-52573) have changed:
name: '52573' to 'FRANCE 24 HD'
At 2024-09-12 12:17:01, attributes of the channel called '9221' (with the unique ID S28.2E-2-2041-9221) have changed:
vpid: '0' to '2347=2'
apid: '0' to '2349=@4,2348=@4'
tpid: '0' to '0;2352=eng'
At 2024-09-12 12:17:01, attributes of the channel called '52573' (with the unique ID S28.2E-2-2116-53700) have changed:
New channel added: 52573;BSkyB:11426:VC89M2O35P0S1:S28.2E:29500:0:0:0:0:53700:2:2116:0
At 2024-09-12 11:17:01, attributes of the channel called 'SENDER NEU JERUSALEM' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1040-31306) have changed:
provider: 'TSA' to ''
At 2024-09-12 10:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'SENDER NEU JERUSALEM' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1040-31306) have changed:
provider: '' to 'TSA'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1061-10350) have changed:
vpid: '5301=27' to '5311=27'
apid: '5302=deu@3,5303=mis@3,5307=qks@3;5306=deu@106' to '5312=deu@3,5313=mis@3,5317=qks@3;5316=deu@106'
tpid: '5304;5305=deu' to '5314;5315=deu'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'rbb Brandenburg' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1073-28205) have changed:
vpid: '501=2' to '601=2'
apid: '502=deu@3,503=mis@3' to '602=deu@3,603=mis@3'
tpid: '504' to '604'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'M+LCAMPEON11' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1064-30752) have changed:
name: 'TEST CAMP11' to 'M+LCAMPEON11'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'M+LCAMPEON8' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1064-30756) have changed:
name: 'TEST CAMP8' to 'M+LCAMPEON8'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'M+LCAMPEON6' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1064-30761) have changed:
name: 'TEST CAMP6' to 'M+LCAMPEON6'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'OTVA HD' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1023-5808) have changed:
provider: '' to 'BMT'
apid: '1092=@3' to '1092=deu@3'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'M+LCAMPEON12' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1064-30753) have changed:
name: 'TEST CAM12' to 'M+LCAMPEON12'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'M+LCAMPEON7' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1064-30754) have changed:
name: 'TEST CAMP7' to 'M+LCAMPEON7'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'M+LCAMPEON13' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1064-30763) have changed:
name: 'TEST CAMP13' to 'M+LCAMPEON13'
At 2024-09-12 09:17:02, attributes of the channel called 'M+LCAMPEON9' (with the unique ID S19.2E-1-1064-30764) have changed:
name: 'TEST CAMP9' to 'M+LCAMPEON9'